Google Fi Speed Test in Shanghai, China

In this June I ordered Project Fi service from Google. Project Fi is a virtual network operator in the US. I used my project fi sim card to access internet perfectly when I was in San Francisco and other cities.  Since google is working with Sprint and US Cellular,  Project Fi has greater coverage than T-mobile. It’s pretty good to use Project Fi sim card if you love to track your outdoor events.

Now I am in Shanghai and I also bring back the Project Fi sim card. Recently Google announced that international travelers with Project Fi can access to High Speed internet in over 135 countries, while China is one of them. I am so excited that when I using T-mobile in China, the speed is limited to 2G/Edge that makes the service almost unavailable. So this time I am so excited to see how Project Fi works in China. After a few weeks, I did some tests and here are my experience.

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个人简介:杨文峰先生为国内最早一批把国内产品发行到欧美市场的从业者,曾就职于网龙、慕和、云游控股,也曾和团队获得过红杉资本的投资进行创业、加盟其它创业公司。他和他带领的团队从业12年来在海外端游、页游、手游都有月流水破200万美金的业绩,深度了解面向欧美的产品优化、市场渠道、活动策划运营等,属于从未退出发行一线的战斗者。 2016年7月初刚刚离开上一家公司,在今年下半年将会主导发行第一款由中国团队制作在欧美发行的XBOX ONE上的Free to Play的英文游戏。

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